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Are you complying with fair housing laws? Sign up for training! 

Sign up for training

Managing and renting a property can be difficult, especially without the right resources and information on housing laws.

Red Roof Tiles

Project Sentinel conducts training that focus on common trouble spots for housing providers and issues that may be a particular concern for your staff.

This is a great opportunity for you and your staff to receive an overview of fair housing laws, and to ask any questions you have about your practices.

Email us at to schedule a presentation or fill out the form below:

Contact Us!

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Resources for Property Managers and Owners

Guide to Renting and Managing Properties

Managing and renting a property can be tough. Small-scale owners and managers may not have the resources to access easily understandable information about fair housing laws. This handbook will give a basic overview of how to ensure you are complying with the fair housing laws for your rental property.




Advertising the Fair Housing Way

Learn about your tenant’s rights and the signs of discrimination that you should look out for. This brochure also provides information on what to do to protect yourself in the case of housing discrimination. Click on the PDF icon to download. 








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